Make it happen!
Owning your own business is everyone’s dream, everybody talks about it but only a few people take action – we look forward to helping you make it happen!
We know that the hardest part is deciding which business is right for you. You have many options and there are plenty of sound Franchise opportunities out there. However, none can offer the same guarantees, support and opportunities as a SelectFranchise.
We have used our considerable expertise, and the resources of our parent company, to build an outstanding business model that we believe to be the best franchise system in the market. This belief is supported by the multiple franchise awards bestowed upon us over the years.
Our network has continued to see robust growth over the years showing that even in times of recession there is a strong demand for our services. The continued increase in two-income households coupled with a decrease in leisure time has contributed to the growth in this industry. For Franchisees the business offers the advantage of generating recurring income from repeat customers.
Now it’s up to you. Please take the time to carefully read and consider our information. We’re confident you’ll see the many benefits and financial opportunities SelectCleaning, SelectLawnMowing and SelectValet offers our franchise owners.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Select Team.
It’s a decision you’ll be glad you made.
Yours sincerely,

Mark Gilbert
The Select Team